South Cambs Lib Dems have voted to increase council tax and affordable rents to the legal maximum – whilst giving themselves a 5% pay rise.
The decision was made at a council meeting in South Cambridgeshire on Tuesday.
The Lib Dem administration unanimously voted to increase council tax by the maximum amount and to increase affordable rents by 7.7% per year.
The increase in bills for some of the most vulnerable residents in South Cambs – despite the ongoing cost of living crisis – shows the Lib Dems’ complete contempt for residents.
However, as if increasing bills wasn’t bad enough, the Lib Dems also unanimously voted to increase councillor pay by 5.44% - as well as awarding new Special Responsibility Allowances to councillors on some committees.
Approving an increase in bills for residents in the same meeting as increasing their own pay suggests the Lib Dem administration is using taxpayers’ money to feather their own nests.
Cllr Heather Williams, Leader of the Conservative Opposition at South Cambs, said:
“It is astonishing that yet again the Liberal Democrats have increased council tax and affordable rents – sheer minutes before giving themselves a pay rise and even more special allowances.
“When the Lib Dems took over, there were actually only 19 allowances. This takes us to well over 60.
“Combine this with staff getting five days’ pay for four days’ work, the Lib Dems really are rubbing salt in the wounds of residents who are already struggling. Council tax, for most, is the highest household bill after rent or mortgage.
“I am truly dumbfounded as to how this keeps happening – and how residents are repeatedly being let down when they need us most. My conscience is clear; I wonder if the Lib Dems can look in the mirror and feel the same.”